How to Obtain the Elective Residency Permit

elective residency permit Italy

Many foreign citizens who dream of retiring in Italy are able to do so thanks to the Elective Residency Visa (ERV). While obtaining this visa is an important milestone towards achieving your retirement dream, there are additional steps you must take in order to become a legal resident of Italy.

Permesso di Soggiorno

Once you have obtained your visa and are ready to move to Italy, please bear in mind that you will need a Residency Permit (Permesso di Soggiorno or “PDS”) in order to legally reside in the country. Here is a list of important things to know about your PDS:

1. The PDS must be requested within 8 days of first entering Italy. ERV holders must request an Elective Residency Permit (Permesso di Soggiorno per Residenza Elettiva) by submitting a request to their local Questura (police station).

2. You must submit your request at a local Post Office (Ufficio Postale). At the ‘Sportello Amico’ desk of the Post Office, you will receive an envelope with all forms to be filled out (called ‘Kit Giallo’ or ‘Busta Gialla’) in order to proceed with submission.

Once all forms are filled out, you must bring the open Busta Gialla to the Sportello Amico desk together with the following items:

  • 4 passport-size photos
  • 1 marca da bollo (€ 16,00) tax stamp
  • Receipt of payment of PDS processing costs (indicated in the Busta Gialla, to be paid via the Bollettino Postale service at the Post Office)
  • Copy of each page of your valid passport with your valid entry visa
  • Copy of documental evidence brought to consulate (availability of Italian residence and sufficient economic resources)

The envelope will then be filled, sealed, and submitted in the presence of the Post Office staff.

3. At the time of submission, you will receive a document confirming the submission has been completed. This document will count as a temporary PDS while you wait for the official PDS to be produced and contains tracking codes that you can use to check your application status. Although official guidelines indicate that the process to produce a PDS should take no longer than 60 days, it usually takes several months.

4. Once the official PDS is ready, an appointment will be automatically scheduled for you to pick up the physical ID at the local Questura. At the appointment, you should bring:

  • Valid Passport with Italian Visa
  • Document confirming submission of PDS request
  • Proof of health insurance coverage

5. The PDS has a 1-year duration and is renewable at the local Questura as long as you continue to fulfill the original eligibility requirements and have continued to reside in Italy for more than 6 months out of the past year. Proof of continued eligibility should be included in the renewal request. It is advised that renewal requests be submitted at least 60 days before the PDS’ expiration date.

6. After five years of living in Italy, you may request the Carta di Soggiorno di Lungo Periodo, which is equivalent to a PDS with a 5-year validity.

7. After 10 years of living in Italy, you will be eligible to request Italian citizenship.

Health Insurance Requirements

Health insurance coverage is mandatory in Italy. A PDS holder may voluntarily enroll in the National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) for an annual fee, or may elect to join a private health insurance plan. Coverage under the National Health Service will only last through the current calendar year and will have to be renewed at the local ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) office. Once a PDS holder becomes a citizen, they will be automatically enrolled in the National Health Service without having to pay an annual fee.

For more information on how to enroll in health insurance while living in Italy, please refer to our article on getting health Insurance in Italy.

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